Cyrille Larosa
Social Media & Marketing Director
Board Member
Cyrille is looking forward to taking this next step at When I Becomes We to grow as a marketing professional while helping others reach their own goals and ambitions. She is a recent graduate from the University of British Columbia where she finished her bachelor’s degree in Sociology. One of Cyrille’s aspirations in life is to pursue a career in marketing as she finds interest in the creative and critical thinking aspects of the field. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, hiking, yoga, and trying out new coffee shops.
A message from Cyrille:
Volunteering for non-profit organizations has been a huge part of my life over the past five years. When I was in my second year of university I started volunteering as a way to learn more about myself and figure out which career path I wanted to pursue. During my time volunteering I gained new skills and met others who had similar interests as me. Eventually, I found that I gravitated toward social media and marketing. I recommend When I Becomes We to anyone who is trying to navigate their own career and would like to make a positive impact in their communities!
Sean Wang
Outreach & Research Director
Board Member
After becoming involved in the nonprofit sector, Sean realized the need to address the gap between volunteers and organizations that exist within the sector. As a result, he joined When I Becomes We as a Research Director, determined to make a positive impact and drive change within the community.
A message from Sean:
I am honoured to have the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing team that is dedicated and passionate about bridging the gap between volunteers and organizations. Our team is a constant inspiration to me and I know that our work will contribute to community needs for years to come. Feel free to connect with me through any of my socials linked below!
Yamen Taha
Software Team Lead
Yamen is a software engineer with a strong focus on creating user-friendly applications that solve real-world problems. Yamen is experienced in front-end design, back-end development, and scalable system architecture. With a passion for coding, Yamen hopes to support others in refining their coding skills. He looks forward to working with other volunteers and helping When I Becomes We build a volunteer software uniquely tailored to our needs. He is eager to continue learning and growing as a software engineer.
Hope Lompe
Communications & Marketing Director
Board Member
Hope proudly serves as a Board Member and the Communications Director for When I Becomes We, and brings her experience in leadership, management, and communications to the role. She is deeply passionate about people speaking up and taking action toward solving the environmental, social justice, and inequity issues facing our communities. Now in her third year, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s School of Journalism with a special focus in policy studies and political science. Hope believes that change begins with the people and ends in actionable policies. She is thrilled to get to work with WIBW to connect as many people as possible with a non-profit organization they are passionate about in a collective effort to affect real-world changes in our communities.
A message from Hope:
Part of the mission for When I Becomes We is to “further strengthen, heal, and address pressing needs within our community.” As Communications Director and a person who studies journalism, there is nothing more important to me than communicating what our city, town, and neighbourhood needs. Communication can start by talking to a friend, which leads to a group of friends, then to an organization, a moment, a movement, and the power to end in government. Every step toward progress started with one person beginning the dialog. We’ve seen laws and lives changed, all because people used their voice and got involved. I cannot wait to see what we will do with the most powerful tool we have: our voice.
Priyal Lalji
Treasurer & Accountant
Board Member
Priyal is ecstatic to advance as a treasurer at When I Becomes We. She is currently enrolled for an associate degree in Business Administration at Columbia College. Priyal finds working with numbers appealing, thus one of her professional objectives is to pursue a career in accounting. She enjoys honing her Henna creative abilities in her free time.
A message from Priyal:
In current times of severe global financial crisis, communities and individuals are finding it very difficult to make ends meet daily. Non-profit groups play a critical role in enhancing people's lives in these situations. It is an honor to be a part of the amazing WIBW team, to put it gently.
Sunny Lee
Software Developer
Sunny is a full stack developer with four years of industry experience building enterprise applications. He's constantly looking for ways to build upon and improve his development skills, and he's always experimenting with new technologies on the horizon. Sunny's looking forward to help build and contribute to When I Becomes We's volunteer software, as well as helping other volunteers grow their software development skills.